Friday, January 9, 2015

Saving Himalaya, Saving Human Being

Saving Himalaya, Saving Human Being

On second February, i got chance to attain a program at Resource Himalayan foundation organised by Environment Graduates in Himalaya (EGH). 
Dr Ar Sumitra Amatya, was the guest speaker of Pralad Yonzon Conservation Forum (XXXVII). She is CEO of Solid Waste Management Technical Service Center/Ministry of Urban Development. Her presentation entitled “Saving Himalaya, Saving Human Being” attracted me and many participants on that day.
Dr Amatya shared how even space is being polluted and politics is linked with waste issues. She explained the disposal of waste by the rich in an irresponsible manner has compelled the poor to suffer from serious global problems such as climate change, global warming etc. According to her, Mt. Everest, our pride and major tourist destination spot in Nepal is being degraded day by day and has lost its beauty due to the unman aged waste disposal by the expediters. She stated that the lack of strict implementation of rules on waste management in such tourist hub is making our tourist site unhealthy for the visitors. She also requested to raise voice against the uncivilized way of waste disposal and that the “Landfill Sites” should be renamed as “Resource Recovery Centers” which gives a meaningful sense in waste management. She focused on 5Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repair & Reject) and 3Es (Environment, Efficiency and Economics). She appealed everyone to start from oneself to change the world.
The programme was concluded with vote of thanks by Mr. Umesh K Mandal, Board Member, Resources Himalaya Foundation.
Meanwhile as a participant of the series, i raised a question about the upcoming plans of her Department and effective implementation of the rules with reference of recent government decisions.
Other participants also questioned about the accountability and government functioning. 
It was a nice discussion and i want to thank both EGH and Dr. Amatya.

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